IPS Academy Sanwer

Central India’s Premier Educational Hub IPS Academy Campus-2, Sanwer

IPS Academy Campus-2

Central India’s Premier Educational Hub IPS Academy Campus-2, Sanwer

Wellness Center

IPSA believes in holistic growth and development of every individual. The “Wellness centre” in IPSA ensures that everybody is oriented towards good, worthy and valued practices in life that ensures wellness in all spheres of life including mental health. We practice positive psychology in the campus and are committed towards positive life style. The wellness centre is focused on assessing personal characteristics and overall health by administering psychometric tools and offers solutions to harmonious healing though personal care and counselling. Common issues faced by the youngsters and resolved with scientific counselling in the wellness centre are:


Lower self-awareness.


Disinterest in the activities they enjoyed in past.


Sleep or appetite loss.


Conscious of body image.


Suffered bullying in any time span of life.


Lost family members and stuck in grieving


Constantly under guilt for something or other.


Mood swings.


Traumatic experience.


Being manipulated.


Anger and aggressive behaviour


Use of social media platforms to restructure/justify your emotional thoughts.


Anxiety at the time of academic/ sports/ stage performance.


Believes it is difficult for people to understand you.


Bothered by thoughts of self-harm.

The “Wellness Centre” was established to provide emotional and social support through counselling and mentoring positive life style amongst students/ faculties and anybody and everybody related to IPSA family. The centre is headed by qualified psychologist and certified psychological first aid provider. The centre has conducted various workshops on giving direction to students’ emotional wellbeing. Regular workshops and lectures are conducted in areas such as Personal effectiveness, Transactional Analysis, The Ego states, Emotional Intelligence, Johari window, Stress management etc. Group counselling is offered from time to time and personal counselling is offered depending on situation.

Wellness centre advocates harmonious relationship between mental, physical, social, financial, spiritual, environmental, vocational and avocational choices in life.



Dr. Tapati Roy Yadav

Head of Wellness Centre

Email: tapati.yadav@ipsacademy.org


1. Know more about self

Every body struggles to find themselves. The significance of self awareness is undeniable. Welcome to the world where you are the most important and most prominent figure of your life. To know more click the link below.

2. Subjective Health and Stress Audit
It may seem to you that nothing could be done about the problem and stress you are facing. Well, it can be. Each of us suffer various kind of stress to varied degree. Know your type and learn the technique to deal with it.
To know more click the link below.
3. Know your Ego states.
Transactional analysis helps you identify your feelings and structure your responses accordingly appropriate to the situation. An objective observation and analysis of behavior enriches your understanding about you and the world around. To know more click the link below.
4. Mental Health Survey
To ensure positive mental health one has to understand the tactics of protecting emotions and thoughts. Mental health surveys are better way to explore our inner thoughts and world of emotions. To help yourself and to know more click the link below.
5. Value Orientation
Value orientation defines our beliefs and directs our behaviour. It affects our cognitive development and decision making. It influences choices, aspirations and social preferences, social contacts and eventually plays and important role in shaping personality.
To know more click the link below.